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Planning Board Minutes 6/13/11
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
June 13, 2011

Members present:  GMorris, KO’Connell, BMarshall (alternate), MSteere, PRenaud, JFletcher, MBorden, RWimpory

Mail Rec’d:   
  • CD Planning Tools for your Community from SWRPC
  • Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes for 5/19/11 & 5/9/11
  • Public Hearing minutes re: Greenfield Corner Properties requesting an increase in the seating of the coffee shop
  • SRossi’s invoices and timesheets
  • Recording of 5/23/11 PB Meeting
  • Attorney Invoice for Zephyr Lake Road Cell Tower Application Consultation, $2,142.00
  • Monadnock Ledger invoice for 6/13/11 public hearing for Greenfield Historical Society, $36.60
  • NH Office of Energy and Planning  invoice for PRenaud to attend workshop, $60.00
  • SWRPC Invitation for Regional Broadband Planning Initiative
  • SWRPC Highlights dated May 2011
  • Cash receipt from Florida Tower Partners LLC in $750.00 for MHutchins invoice
  • Copies of articles from Monadnock Ledge/Transcript
7:00 pm GMorris opened the meeting with the reading of the agenda to the audience. At 7:02 pm MSteere began reading the June 3, 2011meeting minutes and concluded at 7:12pm.  There were no substantive changes to the meeting minutes.  There were spelling, punctuation, and replacement of some words changes only.  At 7:13 p.m. MSteere motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  KO’Connell seconded the motion.  Vote carried in favor.

7:17 GMorris explained what a PCC is and that it is a non-binding, informational process for applicant and board to discuss the plans, ideas and concepts of the applicant.
7:18 pm IGuthrie, 400 New Boston Rd, Greenfield, NH presented his PCC.   He is thinking of putting in a common driveway and subdivide his lot into two lots. He was inquiring of the Planning Board, what amount of frontage is needed to create a back lot and common driveway.  He would sell off his current home to pay off the mortgage, etc. and would put a small cabin below on the new lot.  His current driveway wouldn’t change but instead become a common driveway. GMorris noted that the total acreage is in a general residence and rural agricultural districts.

GMorris noted that back lot would need an easement to be written into deed according to the zoning regulations on page 16.  

MBorden commented with the 250’ plus 100’ frontage that access to the back property would he have to create a new driveway through his small piece of property because   frontage isn’t part of the common driveway

GMorris read page 1 of driveway regulations for clarification to the Board.   MSteere said, “He has enough frontage and with the common driveway access is provided to current house and back lot.”    GMorris noted that access would have to be included in the deed, with easement and maintenance for the back lot when his current was sold.  He then asked, “Does anyone see anything negative here?”  Consensus of the Board was in there were no negative issues at this time.
BMarshall read page 2 of general provisions, Section 3 a, “Because a change of use from private to common, Mr. Guthrie should apply for and secure an approval for this new driveway from the Building Inspector.”  

BMarshall said “Get the driveway permit first, before the building your new house as it would be a moot point if you built without that permit.  You’d have no access to your home.”    MSteere asked if the engineering work has been done on this property.  IGuthrie replied, “Yes, when I originally subdivided the property.”  MSteere said then only the new part would have to have engineered approval done.  The new survey should show the new lot lines.  

7:55 pm ended PCC for IGuthrie.

CIP updates -  MSteere commented he has an appointment with the Highway Commission to go the CIP worksheet with them.  GMorris ran through the CIP deadlines. GMorris asked RWimpory if a Supervisor of Highway Department had been hired.  RWimpory said, “No. and that the Highway Commission will put together the CIP to the best of their ability.”  

8:00 pm Greenfield Historical Society Site Plan Application, 828 Forest Rd, Greenfield, NH proposal was presented by FShea, LCormwell, DWinslow

The original plans showed where the proposed barn would be located.  Also plans for the new barn were handed out to the Planning Board members.

LCormwell said there will be no plumbing but lighting.  It will be a one story structure with a loft.  The elevation for the barn doesn’t allow the ramp which doesn’t meet ADA requirements.  

MSteere asked with septic field behind main building, how far is the septic from the lot line.  LCormwell replied, “The septic is about 12’ away from the lot line and behind a concrete wall. “

BMarshall asked if the application checklist had been gone through.  GMorris read the application checklist, and asked that a copy of septic design in relation to barn location is attached to the site plan review.

8:30 MSteere move to accept the plan as presented.  JFletcher seconded the motion. GMorris called for a vote to approve the Greenfield Historical Society site plan review.  Vote carried in favor.  8:35 pm ended

MSteere motioned to waive fees for the applicant.   PRenaud seconded the motion.  Vote carried in favor.

GMorris also informed the Planning Board that the Building program at Conval will be putting the building up in September.

8:35 pm ended Greenfield Historical Society Site Plan review hearing.

BMarshall passed out copies of the proposed groundwater ordinance and felt that he had not identified all that was questioned at the initial meeting.  He has asked the Board members to read and make notes on specific areas:

X. Spills Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan – “who will be checking for these errors, building inspector or another designee of the Planning Board?”

XII. Exemptions – B – “.containers of less than 5/6 gallons is…..”

XIII. Inspections and Maintenance – 4- “who is going to inspect?”

GMorris added the Groundwater proposal to the June 27, 2011 meeting agenda.

GMorris and KO’Connell signed the approval of the Greenfield Historical Society Site Plan Review.

MBorden chaired the meeting while GMorris copied the approval for the Greenfield Historical Society.

MSteere motioned to adjourn at 8:41 pm.  JFletcher seconded.  Vote carried in affirmative.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm